Boom for applications for grants for home renovation. Not only that, almost everywhere, the resources made available by the Province which had predicted a lower number of questions in the wake of the previous contract ended in a disappointing, are already exhausted, before they have even closed the terms. The ban, which started last June, had to end at the end of last month. Then the province has extended the deadlines that now expire at the end of this month.
The boom compared to previous call for applications whose data had been released a year ago, it is clear already looking at what happened in Trento and in the Community of Vallagarina. In the capital, in fact, last year had reached around 130 questions and contributions were paid 3.5 million out of 8.7 made available by the Province (5.2 million had been returned to cover part of the demand in excess of other Community of Valle). “This year – said the deputy mayor Biasioli – until now count 387 actions by private individuals, in addition to 11 questions that have come from the condos. Only the first we are at 22 million euro of expenditure planned for the restructuring of the existing. The contributions that, at this time, we would need to satisfy all the requests are around 11 million Euros. ” Instead, for this call, the Province has awarded Trento 4.6 million, while in all, about 24 million for the contributions made on all the communities of the valley of the Province. The reason for the boom (questions at the end should be at least three times the 130 last year, if not more, for the territory of Trento) Biasioli is second in both the lower bureaucracy under the new contract (the building permit, in Where needed, no longer presented together with the application, but you can get later), and in the fact that “there seems to be a sign of confidence of families who return to invest.” Biasioli asks the Province “to think if it is not appropriate to put some extra resource.”
Even the Community Vallagarina, which in 2012 had disbursed less in contributions than those provided by budget, has already exceeded the funds allocated by the Province. The questions have already come so far 300, of which 281 have already registered, and of these 129 relating to investments in the historic centers of the different municipalities of the Vallagarina. The average investment per application is about 60,000 euro (66,000 euro for those in the center, € 58,000 for others): 17.49 are the millions of jobs that individuals undertake to do, while at present, the contributions to be paid would be about 9 (available but there are about 3.5). If this were to be the trend of the questions, it is possible that it will be upheld only one in four in the worst case and one in three in the best one. And the person who made the first question should be an advantage. Even in the Community of Alto Garda and Ledro questions, now at 287, with an investment of 22 million euro and 11 grants to be awarded, exceed the budget which is around 2 million euro. Even from Giudicarie is noted the fact that the ceiling has already been breached and that most of the requests arrived risks remaining outside contribution. Same situation in the Community as the Valsugana where questions yesterday were 150 with an average expenditure of each 60,000 euro. Many minor procedures provided (the ones around 10,000 Euros) and it costs around to around 8-9 million euro and a contribution that wanders already about 4 million against 2.2 put in the budget. One of the questions for those who normally pay income tax with the tax return, you may move to the bonus of 65% of the state, thus reducing the share of provincial resources to integrate.